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Blues Fingerpicking 101
With Rev. Robert Jones
September 18, Noon-2pm

This class concentrates on providing a solid introduction and foundation to the aspiring blues fingerpicker. We’ll concentrate on techniques for developing monotonic, alternating and walking bass lines. We’ll explore how blues players move first position chord shapes up the neck in order to add variety to your playing as well as to play in different keys. We’ll also explore how the “CAGED” system of chords which can be applied to traditional styles of country blues. We will do all this while learning some key tunes of seminal bluesguitarists of the past. All tunes will be in standard tuning. While everyone is welcome to come to the class, a solid knowledge of basic first position guitar chords would be most helpful. Also, since this is a fingerpicking class, the use of a thumb, fingerpicks, and a steel string guitar is recommended.

TCFA continues our regular programming in various venues around the area. Save the date while we continue to work on firming up our locations.

Sun. Oct. 20

40th Annual Fall Invitational

Forge Cellars on Seneca Lake; Burdett, NY

Sat. Nov. 2

Dia de Muertos Mask Making Workshop

St. James the Apostle Church

Trumansburg, NY

Sat. Nov. 9

Tenzin & Emmett Scott

Lodi Historical Building; Lodi, NY

Sat. Dec. 7

Handmade Holiday

St. James the Apostle Church

Trumansburg, NY

Sat. Dec. 14

HORIZON Art Show Closing Reception

Forge Cellars; Burdett, NY

Sun. Jan. 26

Can Give Concert

Ulysses Philomathic Library; Trumansburg, NY


Sat. Feb. 8

Piedmont Blūz Acoustic Duo

First Unitarian Society of Ithaca

Ithaca, NY

Sun. Mar. 9

TOiVO Spring Forward Dance

Enfield Valley Grange; Ithaca, NY

Fri. Mar. 14       


St. Paddy's Day Weekend Kickoff 

- Fundraiser for Ovid Fire Relief -

Ovid VFW; Ovid, NY

Sun. Apr. 27

Spring Music Recital

First Presbyterian Church; Trumansburg, NY

Fri. May 2         

CayAC Spring Show

CSMA Art Gallery; Ithaca, NY

May 17-18

Spring Dance Recital

Trumansburg HS Auditorium; Trumansburg, NY

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